A Container for Books
Shepherdsville, Kentucky
University of Kentucky
The goal of the public library has always been to provide its community with resources that support life-long learning and interests. It is ever conscious of its audience whose demographic is infinitely varied and who require an ever-changing set of tools as technological, economic, and social ideals evolve. More and more, libraries are becoming places of communal gathering, commerce, education, and healing.
The design of this library is guided by two underlying principles: (1) that contemporary technology continues to transform the traditional program of libraries and (2) that the built form should take full advantage of its context in an effort to marry the landscapes of learning and nature.
First and foremost, the library is a place of gathering and contemplation, secondly, an intellectual and technological resource, and lastly, a container for books.
Jane Foote
Samuel Tonkovich
Prof. Michael Jacobs